Ok... so where's your favourite BCC cruising destination then? C'mon don't be shy!

Tell us where your special anchorage is !!

IN behind Preservation Island. Glassy smooth after 30 hours beating up the Tassie coast against a NE wind and going through the Banks Strait washing machine! The boat wasn’t worried at all, but the crew were pretty tired and hungry. The next time, we went E of Flinders Is. We learnt you have to pick your weather and tide to go through Banks Strait.

BC Gulf Islands and Salish Sea

I’m up in the Salish Sea as well. San Juan Islands, Gulf Islands, and up to Desolation Sound so far. Lots to see. Fickle winds, high tides, fast tidal currents, protected waters and lots of anchorages, small towns to visit. Quiet island parks, at least off season. Hard to pick a favorite.